Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So what have I been up to since good ol' 2009?

Well, I've gotten my Associate of Arts Degree and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English.  After working at the local Wal-Mart Electronics section I've since moved on to work as a Front Desk Associate at the local Best Western.

I still watch television, films, anime, and cartoons.  I still read books and manga; and I still play video games.

I'll also be contributing to a rant blog.  See the link below:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Who Watches the Watchmen?

Well as of tomorrow, the 21st of July, the DVD of Watchmen will be out at retailers across the country.

Are any of you buying it? I have my copy preordered from (where I got 53% off of the price simply BECAUSE I was ordering it online) and it should be in anywhere between the 24th and 28th.

Many people complained about Zach Snyder taking out the giant squid for the ending. Personally that was my most HATED part of the graphic novel: it was equal parts inane and unrealistic in a comic book that had, up until that point, been believable. Snyder's solution and ending was much more solid and believeable in the Watchmen verse and I thought it fit better with Dr. Manhattan and his leaving of Earth.

But enough about my views on the movie, I thought it was the most faithful comic adaption ever filmed, and though many viewers just didn't "get it" as they were expecting more "emo Spiderman jazz numbers" and family friendly fun...I did enjoy the film and the performances from the actors; especially Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach.

If any of you are planning on buying the film in any of it's varying release formats, post here and say why you're buying what you're buying.

I'm getting the 2-Disc Directors Cut of the film on DVD since I don't own a Blu-Ray player of ANY type. I can't WAIT until it comes it! :D

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gyt's Anime and More

I'm the top Mod for my boyfriend and I's message board. We talk about everything from sports to tech to movies to cartoons and politics.

Here's a message from my boyfriend Gyt concerning the board:

Basically, this is a call for all who wish to join to do so, because I really do think it's a fun little board. Just like the title says, you can talk about anything there pretty much. Anime, Manga, Movies,TV Shows, Video Games, News, Comics, Novels, Sports, and Music. There's even a place to post fan fiction and fan art, as well as a few RP sub-boards (and an Adults only section...though you have to be 18 to get the password!).

So yeah, feel free to give us a look-see, you might like what you find. And if you don't feel like joining quite yet, feel free to lurk around and see what it's like, or talk in the nifty Non-Members Area I have set up. Hope to see you there. ^_^

So feel free to join if you like, we always welcome new members.

Sorry for the lack of updates and stuff...

Well all, it's been what...2 years since I've posted to this blog?


Well, real life and college hit me. Yes, I was in college well before I started my blog but that's still no excuse. The truth is I was so busy with college that I practically forgot about this place, though I never really forgot about it, and so I abandoned my blog to work on getting my Associate of Arts degree from Ozarka College in Arkansas.

I'm happy to report that I did in fact graduate from Ozarka with my AA degree and I'm now going to LYON College in Batesville, AR to get my Bachelor's Degree in English.

A lot of stuff has happened while ol' Alc's been away...a new president, a ton of new anime and manga, and all hell breaking loose in the Naruto fandom with Kishimoto's new story plots (but that's another post entirely)!

I hope to restart this blog back up and running (with sparse but continuing updates) as I finished my Bachelor's degree here at LYON. I hope that everyone will stick with me through everything and feel free to chime in with any comments, criticisms, or critiques that you have. Hell, even just random chatter will be fine! ^-^

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Alright, what can I not say about the Transformers movie? It has a little something for everyone.

It has giant robots.

It has cars.

It has hot guys.

It has action.

It has romance.

It has comedy.

It has giant robots.

It involves a government conspiracy.

Oh…and did I mention the giant robots?

Alright, this review will contain spoilers, general awesomeness, and other such nonsense so if you don’t have a sense of humor or don’t want to get spoiled then don’t read the review.

With stars like Shia Lebouf, Megan Fox, Bernie Mac, Anthony Anderson, and other miscellaneous stars both big name and up-and-comers strewn throughout the movie it’s no joke that this movie has great actors. But most people seem to forget that there has to be an actor behind the scenes that usually doesn’t get very much recognition for their work in a movie like this: the voice actor.

Now, the voice actor may not be able to do their own stunts or get an extremely large paycheck for their work but they do no less work that any regular actor. The voice actors have to emote and act behind the camera…there’s no way to see what they’re thinking or feeling except for what the character is doing on screen. Now take all these things in mind and then remember that these voice actors are playing robots!

The biggest things that fans were excited about for this movie was the fact that Peter Cullen, the original Optimus Prime himself, was back to voice Optimus. Mr. Cullen even tried out for his other character that he voiced in the original 1984 cartoon, Ironhide. However, Bay has said that he has no experience with voice actors so he didn’t want Peter Cullen doing both characters when he can still beautifully do both of them perfectly. So, Ironhide was given to another actor and Peter Cullen finally got Optimus Prime. He even voices Optimus in the game.

One of the biggest disappointments of the movie was that Frank Welker, the original Megatron, was denied the role of Megatron. Now, Mr. Welker is known as the most sought after and one of the most renowned voice actors here. You may not know his name but you sure as heck will know his voice and characters: Abu the monkey from the Aladdin movies, Fred from Scooby-Doo, Megatron, Soundwave, Frenzy, and others from the Transformers cartoon in 1984+, and far too many others to mention here. Even though Mr. Welker tried out for the role Michael Bay thought that he did not quite fit the new Megatron and so Megatron came to be voice by Hugo Weaving. However, Frank Welker does voice Megatron in the Transformers game. Peter Cullen even said that it was nice to be able to reunite with Frank Welker and battle for the fate of the human race all over again.

The other voice actors for the transformers are pretty much names that I’ve never heard of before or well known actors.

Now, as I stated before, this movie has a little something for everyone. The action is spectacular, the special effects are amazing, the comedy is hilarious (Bumblebee pees on someone for Pete’s sake), there’s romance, and fucking giant robots ripping each other apart MAN!!!!!!

There is only one complaint that I have about this movie, and, as stated above, this is a spoiler so if you don’t want to know it, don’t read it!

They killed Jazz…WTFH!!!!???!?!?!?!?!?!

I mean, yes, he was trying to fight Megs but come on! Getting ripped in half and then having this body pieces be handed to Optimus at the end of the movie and Ratchet going “we couldn’t save him” is just kind of…pathetic.

Jazz is insanely popular, always has been, always will be. I mean, sure, they figured “Oh, hey! Let’s kill off someone to make it more dramatic!” and then they choose Jazz. Oh well, I’m not going to be like most hardcore fans and diss and boo Michael Bay because of this. I mean, yes, I’m certainly not happy with it but I’m not going to blame him or do anything like almost all my fellow board members on (No offence of course to board members if you read this…but sometimes you guys…over react a little.)

Also, the second movie was greenlit even before this movie got into theaters so the chances of a sequel are really quite high considering that Transformers broke box office records in it’s opening weekend. However, since they killed off Jazz I’m not sure who’ll replace him though a few fans have said that it may be Blaster (which I would love because Blaster has always been one of my favorites) because Soundwave is supposed to be in the sequel. As far as other Autobots are concerned, people are still yammering away about wanting the Dinobots. I think that this is stupid however, because 1.) Fucking dinosaurs in our day and age work in the cartoon, but not the movie, and 2.)If you don’t make the Dinobots but some sort of heavy duty vehicles a most fans have suggested then they’re not really Dinobots now are they?

And as far as the Decepticon side is concerned, since Megatron is “destroyed” many say that Galvatron will appear next. However, I’m not so sure that it won’t just be Megatron repaired and blasting away at Starscream because the second movie would probably have moments of Starscream’s usual antics of trying to rule the Decepticons. Many also predict that Soundwave, the Constructicons, and Devastator (Note: the transformer named Devastator in the movie is actually named Brawl…however, somewhere in the process crap got screwed up so he’s listed as Devastator, go figure).

Overall, I give the movie a 5/5. It has almost everything that a movie goer would want, and if you’re a fan of the Transformers franchise you’re inner child will go crazy. Even if you’re not a fan of Transformers, the story line is explained and it is still extremely enjoyable to you. I know of many of my online friends who don’t like Transformers, went and saw the movie, and thought that it was the best thing since sliced bread.

So, Autobots! Transform and roll out!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My thoughts on PoTC3!!! *SPOILERS*


Hold it!

Jack dropped his brain! XD (You won't understand what I'm talking about unless you've seen the movie)

Apparently Elizabeth can hide huge cannon guns up her ASS.

Jack turned into a schizophrenic...and he's got little shoulder Jacks.

Awww...Davy Jones cried....

I seriously thought that Boot Strap (Will's dad) was gonna be captain of the Flying Dutchman but no it's Will...which completely threw me for a loop. Poor she's stuck waiting for ten years at a time only to be with him for one day...that kinda sucks.

Jack had his boat stolen...AGAIN.

Mr. Gibbs sleeps with a teddy bear! ^^

I thought I saw Kyle Hebert in the opening sequence (he was an extra and one of the pirates that was walking in line). However, I'm not sure because we didn't get a real good close up on him. And hey, if you're not in there Kyle, you probably will be on the DVD....they seem to be really cool about putting lots of extras and extra scenes and stuff on there!

Apparently in Davy Jones' Locker, crabs look like rocks and they like to carry boats for people....or at least Jack.

I'm now going to go looking for a fic that I know SOMEONE will write about Will meeting up with his descendent based in our time cause he's...ya know, immortal.
The damn drive-in didn't show the scene after the credits. What does Will and Elizabeth's son look like? I figured it'd look kinda like Will. If there have been any postings of pictures or something I'd LOVE to see them.Did anyone go to the movie dressed up?

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Podcast News!!!

Hello all! My friend Gyt and I recently recorded a Podcast (though you can listen to it as just a regular MP3 file, you don't have to have an i-Pod to listen to it). may be a little while (considering I'm starting my summer college class which will take up about 5 weeks of my time) but I will eventually post the podcast here for you all to hear.